Early model of FN Special Police Rifle, with non-adjustable H-S Precision stock.
 Early model of FN Special Police Rifle, with non-adjustable H-S Precision stock.


FN SPR A1 rifle.
 FN SPR A1 rifle.


 FN SPR A1a rifle (with shorter 20 barrel).
 FN SPR A1a rifle (with shorter 20" barrel).


 FN SPR A2 rifle.
 FN SPR A2 rifle.


FN SPR A3 rifle.
 FN SPR A3 rifle.


 FN SPR A4 rifle package.
 FN SPR A4 rifle package.


FN SPR A5 rifle package with tactical suppressor (silencer).
 FN SPR A5 rifle package with tactical suppressor (silencer).


Calibers: 7.62x51mm NATO (.308Win) and .300WSM (Winchester Short Magnum)
Operation: manually operated rotating bolt action
Barrel: 610 mm (24") on all models except A1a and A5a; 508 mm(20") on A1a and A5a
Weight: 4.9 kg – 7.5 kg depending on version
Length: ~1120 mm (44") with 24" barrels; ~1015 mm (40")with 20" barrels.
Feed Mechanism: 7.62×51/.308 – 4 rounds in detachable box magazine or 5rounds in integral magazine; .300WSM – 3 rounds in integral magazine


Several years ago the FNH USA, the US-based subsidiary to famous Belgian armsmaker FN Herstal, decided to develop the new sniper rifle for Law Enforcementuse. Designated as a Special Police Rifle (SPR), new bolt action rifle was basedon the Winchester model 70 Classic (also known as pre-64) action with Mauser-stylebolt and extractor with controlled feed. The heavy barrels were made fromM240/FN MAG machine gun barrel blanks, with chrome plated bores. Barreledactions were mounted into H-S Precision polymer rifle stocks. Soon afterintroduction the production had been stopped, as some defects were found in thedesign. Most notably, some rifles shot not as well as they were supposed to. FNdesigners analyzed the faults, and re-started the SPR design in the muchimproved and better form. At the present time these FN SPR rifles aremanufactured at the US Repeating Arms Co (USRAC), the subsidiary of the FNHerstal and the manufacturer of the famous Winchester brand rifles. 

At the present time, US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) officially adoptedthe FN SPR rifle for its sniper teams.

AllFN SPR rifles are based on the same so-called pre-64 Winchester 70 actions.These actions feature round receivers and a rotating bolts with dual front lugs.Non-rotating Mauser-type claw extractor and fixed blade ejector providecontrolled and reliable feeding, extraction and ejection. Specially madematch-grade barrels have chromium-plated bores. Standard barrel length is24" (610mm), but there are two minor modifications with shorter 20"barrels, A1a and A5a. For LE and Military use SPR rifles are available withthreaded barrels which can accept tactical suppressors (silencers). Rifles arefed using either detachable box magazines or integral magazines with swing-outfloorplates (.300WSM versions available only with integral magazines). Threepositions Winchester 70 type safety allows the bolt to be operated with safetyon. 

The key difference between versions is in the type of the stock andin the accessories, provided in the standard package. All rifles use polymerstocks made by McMillan. Accuracy for all SPR rifles is claimed to be sub-MOAwith proper choice of ammunition. The 7.62NATO/.308 versions have effectiverange of about 700-800 meters, while .300WSM versions stretch the margin up to(and maybe beyond) 1000 meters.

SPR A1 – non-adjustable McMillan A3stock;
SPR A2 – adjustable McMillan A4 stock, Mil-Spec scope base by BadgerOrdnance
SPR A3 – adjustable McMillan A4 stock, Mil-Spec scope base and rings byBadger Ordnance, Harris bipod
SPR A4 – adjustable McMillan A4 stock, Mil-Spec scope base and rings byBadger Ordnance, Harris bipod, scope
SPR A5 – adjustable McMillan Sub Minute solutions stock, Mil-Spec scopebase and rings by Badger Ordnance, Harris bipod, scope, set of accessories andcarrying case.