Brugger & Thomet (B+T) APR 308 sniper rifle in standard configuration, with B+T scope and mirage band above the barrel.
photo: Brugger & Thomet
Brugger &Thomet (B+T) APR 308 sniper rifle with optional front Picatinny railblock, image-intensifying add-on night sight and detachable silencer.
photo: Brugger & Thomet
Brugger &Thomet (B+T) APR 308 sniper rifle in integrally silenced configuration,with silencer removed for maintenance or transportation.
photo: Brugger & Thomet
Caliber(s):7.62x51mm NATO (.308Win)
Operation: manually operated rotary boltaction
Length: 1139 mm (906mm with buttstockfolded)
Barrel: 610 mm
Weight: 7.01 kg (less telescope sight and otheraccessories)
Feed Mechanism: 10 rounds detachable box mag.
Brugger & Thomet (B+T) APR 308 sniper rifle was born in 2003 as a further evolution of theFrench PGM rifle. Brugger & Thomet company was a long-time distributor of PGM rifles, and in 2003 competed in a tender to sell the French Made but Swiss modified rifle to Singaporean army, which at the time sought a new 7.62×51 precision weapon. After some confusing communication over who had the rights to sell the rifle, Brugger & Thomet company decided to improve and to produce the rifle in fully Switzerland. The Brugger & Thomet (B+T) APR 308 sniper rifle was first presented to the public at 2005 MILIPOL exhibition, and is now adopted as a standard sniper rifle by the Army of Singapore..
Brugger & Thomet (B+T)APR 308 sniper rifle is a modular weapon, built upon a metallic lowerreceiver (main frame or chassis), which houses upper receiver with bolt group andbarrel, as well as fire control group, folding buttstock and otherfurniture. Gun action utilizes traditional manually operated rotarybolt with three radial locking lugs at the front. Opening and closingrotation of the bolt requires only 60oof radialmovement of bolt handle. Free-floating precision-made barrel isequipped with special muzzle brake which also serves as a mountingpoint for quick-detachable silencer and hosts folding front sight.Trigger group, manual safety and pistol gripare assembled into single detachable module. Trigger is of two-stagetype and fully adjustable (trigger adjustments do not requiredisassembly of the unit).Ambidextrous manual safety is convenientlylocated above the pistol grip. Ammunition is fed from a detachable10-round box magazine, which provides last round bolt hold-openfeature. Brugger & Thomet (B+T) APR 308 sniper rifle is equipped withside-folding buttstock which is adjustable for length of pull, withadjustable cheek-piece. Polymer forend is attached to the lowerreceiver, and a folding bipod of adjustable height is provided forfiring from prone position. Additional folding monopod (also ofadjustable height) is attached to the rear of the buttstock. By defaulteach Brugger & Thomet (B+T) APR 308 sniper rifle is equipped withPicatinny rail at the top of receiver, with three more optional railsavailable on special forend. Standard sighting equipment includefolding iron sight (with aperture-type rear; not available onintegrally silenced models), and a proprietary Brugger &Thomet TRS (Tactical Rifle Scope) telescope sight. B+T TRS telescope ismanufactured exclusively for Brugger &Thomet by Schmidt & Bender, and it provided variable 3-12Xmagnification and proprietary aiming reticle with range-finding scale.With recommended ammunition, accuracy of Brugger &Thomet (B+T) APR 308 sniper rifle is less than 1 MOA at any practicalrange. As per specification, rifle provides 99% or betterfirst hit probability against head-sized target at 400 meters andagainst body-sized target at 800 meters. Maximum effective range withproper ammunition (7.62×51 Norma Diamond Line 190 grs Sierra MatchkingHPBT) is 1,000 meters. Being well-known for high-quality andhigh-efficiency firearm sound moderators (silencers), B+T providesstandard APR 308 rifles with quick-detachable silencers, and alsooffers and integrally silenced version of the same rifle, optimized forsubsonic ammunition.
Special thanks to Casca Long from Brugger & Thomet for information and help.