MRO-A small rocket-propelledflame-thrower in ready to fire position.
 MRO-A small rocket-propelledflame-thrower in ready to fire position.


Type: rocket
Overall length:900 mm
Weight: 4.7 kg complete
Effective range: up to 90 m (maximum 450 meters)


The MRO-A small rocket-propelled thermobaric grenade / rocket-propelled flame-thrower is a dervicative of the RPG-26 anti-tank rocket grenade (similar in concept to RShG-2 assault rocket grenade), with primary differences being the warhead(s)and sights. Instead of the HEAT warhead as in RPG-26,the MRO-A carries a Fuel-Air Explosive (thermobaric warhead in Russian nomenclature, as its primary kill effect is achievedby high temperature and blast pressure wave) warhead which is intended against soft skinned and lightly armore vehicles, buildings, military installations and enemy personnel in defilade or in the open. There also are two other versions of the MRO, the MRO-D with smoke warhead and MRO-Z with nicendiary warhead. It was adopted by Russian army in around 2002, and is issued to Chemical troops in the Russian army, to supplement larger and more powerful RPO-A weapons. MRO-A is also offered for export.

The MRO-2 is a disposable,single shot rocket launcher pre-loaded with fin-stabilized rocket. The single-piece smoothbore barrel / container is made of fiberglass. The rocket is contained in the barrel tube, and its solid-fuel motorburns out completely within the barrel. Because the barrel is open at the rear to avoid recoil, there is a dangerous backblast area behind the firing weapon.In transport/storage mode both ends of the barrel are closed by the front and rear covers, made of rubber; those covers shall not be removed manually and are destroyed during the rocket launch. Firing mechanism is cocked manually by rising the safety lever and exposing the trigger button; lovering the lever de-cocks the firing mechanism so the grenade can be brough back to safe mode if the there's no immediate target. The rocketis fin-stabilized (with four switch-blade like fins at the rear), and its solid-propellant motor burns out completely while rocket is still in the barrel. The sights are similar to that used on RPO-A (with fixed front and folding, ladder type diopter rear), and there's a folding forward grip under the barrel.